We are almost halfway through our Advent journey. Next Sunday, the third candle of joy will be shining on the Advent wreath. Priests and deacons are allowed to wear the traditional rose-colored vestments reserved for the third Sunday (Gaudete - Latin for Rejoice).
Whether or not the clergy wears their colorful vestments this weekend, Jesus challenges us to avoid “the counsel of the wicked” who criticized His words of wisdom and good deeds. This challenge reminds me of brother Philippe, a philosophy professor, who often established the distinction between a critical mind and a negative one. The former tries to discern the truth when listening to someone while the latter seems more inclined to reject arguments from others, valid or not.
The prophet Isaiah and the psalmist remind us to not just listen to Jesus but to follow Him and “have the light of life”. In December, the Order of Preachers observes the Dominican Month for Peace, focusing on Venezuela. We are challenged to move along this Advent journey in a spirit of solidarity. Now is the time to keep our hearts and minds open to the words of Jesus. We will then be blessed by the Prince of Peace and learn to discern when to rejoice, when to mourn, and strive to be more like Him, a source of comfort and joy for the afflicted around us.