John the Baptist was the teacher of his disciples and when he saw Jesus, he directed them away from himself, so they could meet Jesus. He points out the 'Lamb of God,' a name for Jesus that John uses to say that Jesus is the One they are ultimately looking for. It reminds me of the people we have met, teachers, mentors, family members, even in chance meetings, who are caring and loving, who give us direction to God when we are traveling together on life's journey. They know Jesus and want us to see Him also by their words and actions.
Today, take every opportunity to be like John the Baptist. Whoever crosses your path, or lives with you, take every opportunity to be humble like John the Baptist and desire to say a word, give a smile, support, and encourage everyone you meet. You will touch your neighbor's heart and be part of God's ways to draw others to Jesus and Himself through our humility and desire to be a light pointing to Jesus.
St. Elizabeth Seton, the first American born canonized saint, established orphanages in Maryland. This was her way of pointing children to Jesus, the Lamb of God.