I admire the friends of the paralytic in the Gospel reading. They stopped at nothing to bring their friend to Jesus. They could not bring him through the front door of the house because of the crowds, so they brought him up to the roof and lowered him down on a stretcher. Jesus saw their faith and cured the paralyzed man.
The passage reminds me that many people brought me to Jesus. My parents brought me to be baptized. My grandmother, godparents, aunts and uncles, brothers, teachers, pastors, and many mentors among the Dominicans, brought me closer to Jesus. I cannot imagine where I would be without all those people of great faith who brought me to Jesus.
None of us comes to Jesus on our own. So many people strengthen our faith when we are discouraged. So many have taught us by word and example. Some brought us to church when we did not want to go. Like the paralytic, friends and relatives have carried us on our mats when we were sick or paralyzed by fear. Despite many obstacles, they did not give up on us. Because of their tenacity, we experienced Christ’s healing of body and soul.
After Jesus healed the paralytic and forgave his sins, the man stood up, picked up his mat and went home, glorifying God. Likewise, when we experience Christ’s healing love, we give God glory. Together with all those around us, we proclaim: “We have seen incredible things today!”