God is fire! The prophet Malachi compares God to the "refiner's fire" who "will sit refining and purifying silver" — this is because God purifies us through the gift of his Divine Life by grace, burning off all of the imperfections of our soul in order to make us holy. But in reflecting upon God as Divine Fire, we may also see that we participate in the spread of this Divine Fire through the Holy Preaching! We set the world on fire!
Jane, the mother of our Father, Dominic, had a prophetic dream while she was pregnant with him: Do you remember? She dreamt of giving birth to a dog holding a torch in its mouth, only to see the dog run off to set the world on fire. And later, our sister, Catherine, says, "Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire." This is our call, as preachers, to set the world aflame!