Today’s first Scripture reading from the Acts of the Apostles concludes with this sentence.
All day long, both at the Temple and in their homes, they did not stop teaching and proclaiming the Christ, Jesus.
From the days of the Apostles after Pentecost until our own day--even unto the end of time--the disciples never cease witnessing and proclaiming the Good News of the Risen Christ.
Some disciples are “professionals” like priests and Religious; others are people in the pews who live their faith dynamically. If you are a fervent Christian, your very life witnesses to Jesus, without having to speak. The things you do or don’t do, the words you say, your very manner of being, shouts out to our secularized world the existence and love of God.
Today is the Feast of St. Catherine of Siena in the Dominican Order. She is one of the greatest members of our Dominican Family and a Doctor of the Church. Catherine was a great preacher, tirelessly speaking to Jesus or about Him to all she met (and didn’t meet except through letters).
Let us ask our sister Catherine today to help us live our Faith ever more dynamically and authentically. Amen.