by Deacon John Pippenger, O.P. and Mrs. Linda Pippenger, O.P.
As we journey through the third week of Lent, 2021, it appears we have had a year of Lent. On March 13th of 2020 our city, state, and country began to close. Our daily family life was changing. Our daily routines were changing. Life in general was changed. Social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands, no gatherings, (this is hard for Southeastern Louisiana) virtual everything, and even Virtual Mass!
During the Lenten Season we are challenged to spend extra time in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. In today’s gospel, Jesus reminds us of the following commandments. First, The Lord our God is Lord alone!You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. And the second is: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
What do these commandments mean for you and me? The first commandment invites us to LOVE God with our whole self and our whole being. To be open to God in our every thought and action. To put God first in our life. The second commandment invites us to LOVE our neighbor as God LOVES us. To do for others, to think of others, and to be available for others. It is not too late to include these commandments in our Lenten Journey!