Today's reading is a reminder for us on how God created human beings differently from all of His creations. He breathes forth His Spirit in us. We are so special and loved. This reading also is an inspiration to spread His Gospel as He believes in the goodness of His creation. He molded us in his likeness and goodness. The spirit of God in us will be our guide. The experiences we had in this life journey are opportunities for us to be wiser and better day by day. That wisdom will spring from within as long as we live our lives following His commands.
Life in this time of Covid is stressful. Yet it is an opportunity to listen to our inner spirit. God wants us to appreciate what we have and the blessings He gave us. Isolation gave us the opportunity to get to know our children and spouse better and improving our relationships.
Life is precious and limited. Each moment, the now, is fast fleeting and cannot be replaced as it becomes the past. As Jesus said to Judas " you do not always have me." With this pandemic it shows us how any one of our friends, relatives and family can suddenly be no longer with us.