It can be a temptation to deny one's dependence on God, especially if one seems to have all of the blessings of this world; money, clothes, a warm house, food, medicines, and most importantly, good health. Sadly, the belief that one is the sole source of one's blessings can foster in oneself an "each man for himself" attitude.
Driven by his fear of the instabilities and contagions of the world, the rich man barricaded himself from those fears with his possessions, isolated himself and placed all of his trust in his own resourcefulness. The sick beggar Lazarus, on the other hand, was not ashamed to acknowledge his need. Driven by his neediness, he humbly and fearlessly exposed his poverty and unsightly, fetid sores for all to see. He accepted his plight in life as a gift from God and placed his trust in Him.
Lazarus died honorably because he lived honorably by stretching his hands out daily to the streams of God's mercy. In the end, Lazarus, his soul like a fruitful tree pruned by the sword of suffering, was rewarded with the lasting riches given by the only One who could fill all of his desires.
Loving Father, help me to fear losing only those things that can prevent me from losing You.