In the first reading, Isaiah tells us, “In a time of favor I answer you, on the day of salvation I help you.”
We are told assuredly that God will never forget us. He is with us to help us and answer us. But do we remember and include God in our lives? Do we lean on Him or rely on ourselves. I imagine walking into a room and going about my activities and goals, focused on what I am doing so intensely, that I do not notice the presence of the other in the room. And then, maybe later, noticing the one who has been there all along, when finally, I stop to say hello. What must it feel like to be the other in the room that is ignored most of the time and only later as my desires, my plans and my priorities have been met; only then noticing as an afterthought, the other who was in the room the entire time? I imagine that is what our Lord experiences. And still, God reminds us He will lift us up and be with us always. Sometimes, I forget to lean on God for help during Lent or expect it is my responsibility entirely once I make my plans for Lent. Our Psalm response today gives us the words, “The Lord is gracious and merciful”. Words to meditate on, embrace and hold close to our hearts. If I am not walking close enough to God, He is gracious and merciful to me. I can change so that I quickly turn to Him.
In John’s Gospel, Jesus shares that he is the Son of God and “the Son cannot do anything on his own”. Those He is speaking to, have seen or heard of His works of healing, yet they question, doubt and reject Him. Our response can be different then the audience Jesus had. They focus on their goals, their priorities and their desires rather then what Jesus is sharing with them. Jesus is giving a message of hope and love. Jesus is telling us He is not doing the wondrous deeds and healing without His Father. And if we hear the message, He is saying His Father is with us also. Jesus is telling all who will hear, that life everlasting, resurrection and life with God in heaven is for those who hear and believe, and for those who remain in communion with God. If the Son of God cannot do anything on His own, can we recognize that we cannot either? We need our Lord and our Lord is with us at all times, loving us in more ways than we can imagine.
“For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything that he himself does, and he will show him greater works than these, so that you may be amazed.” Dearest children of God, may you be amazed at what the Father has in store for you as you walk with Him in this holy season of Lent and experience His love.