"No prophet is accepted in his own country." A prophet is defined as an inspired teacher who spreads good news. Why are they afraid to hear the good news?
Jesus has to move out of Nazareth to preach the good news. Do we fear knowing the truth so we run away? In life we make excuses to run from our reality. When we find ourselves, we realize we need to make changes. It is human nature that we don’t want changes. It is hard to part from our old “good” ways. Why fix it when it is working. If you look at life, the only thing that is constant is change. There is no replay of events. This life is a journey. The purpose is for us to be better than yesterday. To be better, we need to make that choice to change. This Lenten season is the time to make our inventories for things we need to change and fix. To accept and make a commitment to work for that change.
Reflect on that statement of Jesus: Do we accept the prophet as He speaks to us, to His very own creation? Do we accept Him and follow Him?