Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time [Cycle B] – July 25, 2021 2 Kings 4:42-44 | Psalm 145 | Ephesians 4:1-6 | John 6:1-15 |
XVII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario [Ciclo B] – 25 de julio, 2021 2 Reyes 4:42-44 | Salmo 144 | Efesios 4:1-6 | Juan 6:1-15 |
From Psalm 145: “The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you give them their food in due season; you open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” |
Del Salmo 144: “A ti, Señor, sus ojos vuelven todos y tu los alimentas a su tiempo. Abres, Señor, tus manos generosas y cuantos viven quedan satisfechos.” |
Reflection by Br. Carlos Salas, OP: The foreshadowing of Jesus’s feeding of the crowd with the loaves and fish is quite clear from the reading of the second Book of Kings. The servant rightfully objects; it is silly to try to feed one hundred people with only twenty loaves. Each one would get one-fifth of a loaf, probably not enough to satisfy a hungry mouth. There is also fresh grain, but it will need to be cooked before it can be eaten. It is unhelpful for an immediate need, like the one that Jesus satisfied. People were following Him without thinking of themselves to the point of hunger. Two hundred day’s wages of food are not enough, and neither are five loaves and two fish. But the Lord had said, “They shall eat and there shall be some left over.” They all ate; they were filled, and there was more to share. |
Reflexión por Fray Carlos Salas, OP: El presagio de Jesús alimentando a la multitud con los panes y pescados es bastante clara de la lectura del segundo Libro de los Reyes. El criado se rehusó legítimamente, es absurdo intentar alimentar a cien personas con solo veinte panes. Cada uno recibiría una quinta parte de un pan, probablemente no lo suficiente para satisfacer a una boca hambrienta. También hay grano tierno, pero debe ser cocinado antes de que se pueda comer. No ayuda para una necesidad inmediata, como la que Jesus satisfizo. La gente lo estaban siguiendo sin pensar en sí mismos hasta el punto del hambre. Doscientos denarios para comprar alimentos no son suficientes, y tampoco lo son cinco panes y dos pescados. Pero el Señor había dicho, “Comerán todos y sobrará.” Todos comieron; estaban satisfechos y había más para compartir. |
Something to think about:
Algo en que pensar: