“To love our enemies and pray those who persecute us,
that we may be children of our heavenly Father…”
Wow! What a difficult thing Jesus wants us to do: “to love our enemies and pray those who persecute us, that we may be children of our heavenly Father.” When someone hurts me, my first reaction is anger. It can take me/us a long time to let go of that anger. On top of being filled with anger, Jesus wants us to love them as we love ourselves and pray for them. At times, all I want to do is rehash the past hurt over and over and prove to myself how much I was wronged.
How can we learn to let go of our anger and hurt? We can pray for the grace to love them. If we love them, we can forgive them. When we have forgiven them, we begin to heal ourselves. You and I become the children God wants us to be, His children.