On this last day of the Advent season, we hear from the father of John the Baptist, who prays that “…the dawn from on high will break upon us…” These words remind us that we have a God who brings order out of chaos. In Genesis we hear that God creates the earth and all that lives on it. We learn that the first act of creation is the creation of light and darkness—even before the creation of the sun and the moon. Thus, the dawn, the first light of day is God, from whom Zechariah expects a merciful visit.
While Zechariah is expecting a messiah, whom we know to be Jesus, we might apply Zechariah’s prophecy to every day. The dawn continues to be the sign of God’s presence. Who among us hasn’t been caught up in the glimpse of a sunrise over the blue ocean or peaking over a magnificent mountain? Each year Easter Masses and Sunrise Services are held to welcome the Christian sign of Chrit’s resurrection. Every day the dawn appears and proclaims that God is with us. Like the sun, God lights our way out of hopelessness, despair, tragedy, war, etc. God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness is like that of the sunrise. We can be assured that it will lead us and guide us to peace, wholeness, and holiness in God’s presence. All this is God’s handiwork.
May the Son of Justice whose birth we celebrate tonight, Christmas Eve show us mercy and may His kindness lighten our hearts, just as the sun illumines the earth.