Today is the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church. He was born in the Kingdom of Sicily around 1225. As a child, he began his schooling at the Benedictine abbey in Monte Cassino. Often, young St. Thomas would question his teacher in his search for truth, asking, "Master, tell me—what is God?”
St. Albert the Great is the patron of the novitiate house of the Province of St. Martin de Porres. Through his prayers, may our Dominican novices gain knowledge of God and deepen their devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
How many canonized saints and blesseds are there in the Dominican Order? According to Master Gerrard Timoner III (the current successor of Saint Dominic), we have 389 saints and blesseds within the Dominican Order (Order of Preachers).
My novice brothers hear a lot about my Camino de Santiago pilgrimage that I made a few months before entering the Order. The Camino revealed the rich spiritual and cultural heritage of the Catholic Faith in Spain spanning centuries.
Much like St. Dominic, St. Martín devoted his nights to prayer and often slept on the floor. Yet, despite these austerities – or perhaps precisely because of them – his joyful spirit never wavered, even in the most challenging times.
He was a man who constantly gave himself to others through his preaching, teaching, and blessings. His first assignment was as novice master to the Dominican novices in Valencia. During his several years as novice master, he proved himself to be a prudent, kind, and firm shepherd of souls.