Church Father Gregory Nazianzus wrote that the Old Testament primarily revealed God the Father with a glimpse of the Son. That glimpse is especially striking in today’s first reading. The prophet Jeremiah, despite the decimation of Jerusalem, envisages the Lord coming to rescue His people. He sees a return from exile, and the son of David coming to rule the nations with justice. This leader will be called, “The Lord our justice.”
The prophecy gives a foretaste of Jesus’ salvific work. His justice will rescue all Israel’s descendants -- Jews and non-Jews alike -- from the exile of sin and death. He will lead them to his Father’s kingdom where he rules forever.
Christ is the fulfillment of Old Testament longing, which was always for more than a gracious leader of the Israelite nation. From the beginning, God was Father of all nations. Israel was His instrument in bringing the world together in holiness. Jesus Christ, son of Israel and Son of God, remains our hope for lasting peace and eternal happiness.