Today’s feast is a puzzling one for many people, a hard truth that merits pondering, an invitation for reflection.
“Hail, full of grace.” Did Mary really know she was full of grace? As a teenage girl, was she really aware of this gift? Was anyone else aware? If Mary wasn’t, no wonder she was troubled.
“Do not be afraid. You have found favor with God. ” If Mary had any knowledge of Scripture, she certainly knew that those who found favor with God had to face mighty challenges, people like Moses, Abraham, the prophets. “Do not be afraid” doesn’t sound too comforting.
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you.” Really, this dialogue was becoming more and more mysterious. It sounds as if the impossible was about to happen. But can it be true?
The young teenage girl must indeed have been “full of grace.” There is no human reason why anyone would have said “yes” to God’s invitation. Only those grounded in the God who is Truth are willing to take such a risk.