The Scripture readings today call us to practice joyful patience as we await the coming of the Lord. But how can we do this amidst the difficulties in life? Even the prophecy of Isaiah reaches our ears with an occupied mind of everything that worries us and concerns us today. Isaiah talks about a future and a present: they will meet with joy and gladness, sorrow and mourning will flee along with: “Here is your God, he comes with vindication…he comes to save you”.
We have difficult days, weeks, and months; yes! But also, God is coming to meet us with everlasting joy and gladness. Even more, our God is already here! We prepare to celebrate the birth of God in our midst as a human being like us. This is also an opportunity to prepare our lives for Christ’s coming in glory and when we meet Him in judgment. This is very important: God is already here to help us in this journey. The Trinity already dwells in each of us, and we proclaim it in our Baptism.
This should bring us excitement and joy! God is here! God is acting in our lives and the lives of all our loved ones today. Yet, St. James asks us to be patient… until the coming of the Lord. God is here and working in our lives, still Christ has more in store for us. In this waiting, we recognize God’s grace amidst our difficulties. Christian joy comes from recognizing God’s grace amidst the ups and downs of our daily life. This patience in waiting is like that of a farmer who waits for the seed to sprout. It is a patient waiting like a mother and a father filled with joy to meet their child. Parents suffer pains and worry about what awaits them with the new life God gives them, yet they are joyful for God’s abundant graces.
This joyful patience is emulated well by St. John the Baptist when he was in jail and heard of the graces that Jesus was doing in people’s lives, those that the prophet Isaiah foretold. John wanted to share in that joy and accept God’s grace in his life, too. So, John sought to know more. He was yearning for the Truth; he was looking for Jesus. May we, too, look for Jesus in our lives amidst our pains and sorrows because in finding Him today, we will find joy awaiting for His coming.