"Make straight the way of the Lord."
From the reaches beyond time, two figures emerge from John's gospel: the Word made Flesh, and a man sent from God. Like the first rays of sunrise, the dawn from on high breaks upon us, foreshadowing an even greater Light yet to come. The rose-colored vestments of our liturgy resound with the joy of John the Baptist's evangelical debut, as he heralds the imminent arrival of the One whose yoke is gentle, and whose burden is light.
Sent by the Most High, like the prophets, John’s message is ancient, yet ever new: "Make straight the way of the Lord." The infrastructure of our lives, the roads, and the bridges need repair. They need to be travel-worthy not just for us but for others who would journey with us through life’s maze to that sacred sanctuary where God’s Name and Presence are cherished in every heart. John beckons us to contemplate the One for whom he humbly considers himself unworthy even to untie the sandals: the One who is the Light coming into the world; the One whose Light enables us to see what is True, what is Good, and what is Just; the One who ultimately says to each one of us, "Come, follow me."
As Advent's journey shifts from the edge of time towards the arrival of the eternal Christ, let us clear our paths from every stone of stumbling, so that we may bless and welcome every sojourner we meet along the way. Let us pray: Wisdom, O holy Word of God, come and illuminate the path to salvation for your people.