Whenever a person starts out on a new project, he/she needs to begin with a firm foundation. This is clear in erecting a building, in beginning a new business, in making a new commitment. The person may not know all the steps that the new endeavor may take, or what it may look like in the end. But the project needs to be well grounded if it is to have any chance to succeed. Today’s readings refer to God as rock. Trust in the LORD forever! For the LORD is an eternal Rock. (Is 26:4)
“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. (Mt 7:24) So too our lives need to be grounded solidly in our relationship with our God. If that relationship is not there, then ultimately our projects will not really be successful. As we enter this new liturgical year, it can be a good time to examine the foundation of all we do and renew our commitment to ground ourselves more deeply on God the rock of our lives.