We would be deaf, sluggish, or downright indifferent not to “get” the message of today’s Advent readings. As obvious as it is, this message opens to us an amazing Mystery. Yes, the Word is out that, “He comes.” In a very real sense, we have been expecting that; but today there is something more, something strange and marvelous that the Lord does not want us to miss: He comes in love. This is no mere condescending love, which deigns to come though aware of our unworthiness. This is a Lover’s Love; a longing Love; a Love that has been searching for us all along. The Lord Jesus is a Lover who is not only responding to our Advent prayer that He might “Come”; but today He says to us – to me - in return: “Arise, my beloved… my beautiful one, and come!”
What are we to make of this mysterious message the Church opens for us in today’s readings, that the Lord longs for us? Centuries ago, St. Augustine wrote of the mystery of God’s coming to us in love:
“…Ask if this were merited; ask for its reason, for its justification,
and see whether you will find any other answer
but sheer grace…