In this Gospel story, we read/hear about Mary's amazing faith and trust in God. Here she is, very young and pregnant, probably very confused and a bit scared, yet she travels to the hill country "in haste” to assist her elderly cousin, the one the angel told her had also been graced with a miraculous pregnancy. Elizabeth's greeting announced and welcomed Jesus's presence and honored Mary's faithfulness.
Church tradition tells us that Mary stayed for about 3 months, probably a difficult time for Mary to be away from Joseph. No doubt the two women prayed fervently together to understand the graces they had received and to discern how to "pass them forward.” Mary modeled for us what today's Christians are called to do.
Mary put aside her own worries and tried to help someone else in need. She put her "yes" to the will of the Father into immediate action and brought Jesus into someone else's life. Let us ask these holy women today to intercede for us during the times when what we are called to do seems well beyond human understanding and accomplishment. May we rejoice in the presence of Jesus Who is with us still!