Today, the psalmist invites us to “remember the marvels the Lord has done.” In the book of Genesis and the Gospel of Matthew, Joseph and Jesus are persecuted for no good reason. If Joseph survives, and even strives, after being sold into slavery by his brothers, Jesus is tortured and killed. By the grace of God, Jesus will rise from the dead.
Jesus invites the chief priests, the elders, and us all to reflect on how “the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes.” A cornerstone, still used in construction, is an architectural term found in the Old and New Testaments (i.e., Isaiah 28:16; Psalm 118:22; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6). In the Gospel of Matthew (21:42), Jesus refers to Himself as the chief cornerstone we all depend on.
Here and now, who or what is my cornerstone, my foundation? It is a good question to ask ourselves at the end of this second week of Lent and always. As we ponder this fundamental question, we need to be grateful because of “the marvels the Lord has done” for us as individuals, families, communities, and nations. God, in the person of Jesus, desires to always be our chief cornerstone. What is our response to God’s Love revealed in the person of Jesus? As we know, God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good! Amen!