“And this is the promise that he made us: eternal life.”
Christmas and promises seem to go together. Children from all nations believe in promises. In some parts of the world children are told that if they are good the Three Kings will arrive with gifts for them under their bed, or St. Nick will slide down the chimney putting gifts under the tree.
Of course with the promise comes a story of how all that will happen. There is an implicit, loving trust that what was told in the story will in fact happen. Today’s first reading reminds us that God’s promise of the Incarnation and eternal life is now; it is the truth of our imagination.
Christ dwells among us and walks the dusty roads of our life; a road that twists and turns in most unexpected ways. The reading from John’s letter reminds us early on as the New Year begins to remain in God no matter what trajectory our life will take. Today with Psalm 98 we pray and sing a new song to our faithful God believing in the promise of the fullness of life that will be given to each of us.