When my nephew was young and played street ball in front of his house with the neighborhood kids, he would complain if the ball was thrown before he was ready to bat by yelling, "Do Over! Do Over!" In other words, "start over."
Much of life is starting over. On Ash Wednesday each year we are especially aware of this as we come forward and ash is placed on our foreheads, the ancient sign of repentance. Our churches tend to be crowded on this particular Wednesday. Individuals come for a variety of motivations; high on the list, I suspect, is the desire in many to "start over" (Do Over!) We want to be and to do better than we presently have been on this road to discipleship. We really want to return to God (Joel 2:12), to be more faithful to the Gospel call to love as Christ loves. God knows that this desire resounds in each of our hearts.
The season of Lent is about discipleship - following the way of Jesus. The Lord instructs us to turn away from sin and to turn back to God by way of the disciplines of prayer (reordering our relationship with God), fasting (getting our own 'house' in order), and almsgiving (reaching out to our sisters and brothers in need.) Divine goodness and love will touch our world through our successful efforts as we keep our hearts fixed on God who is "gracious and merciful," "slow to anger," and "rich in kindness." (Joel 2:13)