We begin Holy Week celebrating the entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem. Symbols like Jesus riding into Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives and the Lord sitting on a colt serve to demonstrate the eschatological fulfillment of the messianic times. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he arrived at the last part of his missionary and salvific journey. In Jerusalem took place the final and definitive moment of Jesus’ obedience to God, the Father.
During his entrance, he was acclaimed: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Hosanna in the highest!” In this acclamation, the multitudes were asking, “save us, please!” Indeed, he did it, giving his life.
As we enter the celebration of Jesus’ paschal mystery, let us also prepare ourselves, recognizing the Messiah in the midst of our lives, appreciating the salvific events that are taking place here and today: the hungry that are fed, the elderly that are understood and helped, the consolation we received in times of trouble. Let us cry out to him Hosanna! Save us, please!