Advocate of Eve. Seat of Wisdom. Cause of Our Joy. Help of Christians. Mother of Sorrows. We know her under other names as well: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Knock, Queen of the Americas, and Our Lady of Prompt Succor. All of these titles and names would be meaningless without her first name, her first title: Mary, Mother of God.
There's no need to rehearse the Theotókos controversy settled by the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D. As followers of Christ, we've lived with her motherhood for centuries. We've prayed for her intercession. We've looked to her for protection. We've named children, churches, towns, and religious orders in her honor. She was our mother before we were born. And she remains our mother now.
Mary gave flesh and blood to the Savior. He made us heirs to the Father's Kingdom. We owe our inheritance to Mary's willingness to receive the Holy Spirit and bear the Word into the world. She is the Mother of our Freedom in Christ. Each one of us and all of us together are the flesh and blood of God's Word, not just people who believe or people who do good works, but the People of God who walk out into the world to be – however imperfect – Christs for one another. Mary, Mother of God makes this possible.