In 1994 there was a remarkable film, Il Postino: The Postman. It was both a fictional and actual account of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda who was exiled for his political beliefs. An extra postman is needed to deliver the numerous items to Neruda villa. Mario a poor but honest man volunteers for the task. He is fascinated by the power of words, and especially poetry. He has fallen in love and Neruda compassionately helps him discover his own gifts. At the end of the film, Mario must speak for his co-workers, a speech for justice. It will cost him his life.
Both readings today are about words, Jeremiah speaks words that are powerful, and as a prophet, he calls people back to their heritage. Prophets are the axis to the covenant, reminding people of God's love, compassion and promise. Their words can comfort and sting! Prophets were/are neither respected or honored! Yet their words can lead one’s heart to transformation. The healing of the mute man in the gospel causes the crowds to be amazed. However, the words of the one healed seems to be silenced by others. Rather than celebrate the liberation of their neighbor they harbor a hardness of heart, a distrust of God's mercy and the one who brings it.
Lent is a time for listening to the prophets, sages, poets, theologians and each other! Another year of journeying with Christ liberating all from sin and speaking words that move the heart to justice and mercy. Lent is above all a time to speak words of love.