Jonah presented a sign provided by God and the sign was Jonah himself proclaiming God's Word: “Forty days more and Nineveh will be destroyed.” Jesus presented Himself as the sign provided by God, announcing God's Word: “This is an evil generation. It is asking for a sign.” Both Jonah and Jesus proclaim the Word of God within them. Jonah is reluctant to announce God's message; Jesus is not. Jonah does finally accept his call to announce God's word and the people of Nineveh “turn from their evil ways.” Jesus announces the Word of God and for this, He is crucified. What both Jonah and Jesus have to proclaim is the call to turn away from evil and violent ways and to change. Not unlike a road sign reading: “HAZARD AHEAD,” such proclamation is a fair warning to take notice of what can hurt or be fatal to oneself, another, or to a whole city.
The Sign of the Cross is Jesus’ love for us, even in the mire of the violence we do to others and to ourselves. The Sign of the Cross is Jesus’ longing that we may heed the Sign, change, and come close to Him. The Sign of the Cross is Jesus’ presence in our suffering neighbor, so as to learn from, to comfort, and to love as ourselves. We speak of “the signs of the times.” If we are to risk being a Sign of the Cross for others, then it will hurt, others will glare at us, some curse us, and others will accept the graces of God offered, discard sin, and turn back to God. For this, the risk is worth it.