The Sons of Thunder are looking to climb the ecclesial ladder. Thinking ahead to a time when the Lord would need to be replaced, they scramble to position themselves as his obvious successors. No doubt they are anticipating the prestige and power that will come with being princes in the Kingdom. Their naked ambition is deaf to the scenario that Jesus – only a few moments earlier – had laid out for them. He is going to Jerusalem to be “mocked and scourged and crucified.” If they will follow him, they too will end their days ridiculed for the faith… and dead.
Jesus asks them if they are prepared to follow him, “Can you drink the chalice that I am going to drink?” Maybe they hear a different question. Maybe they hear, “Can you succeed me as ruler of the Kingdom?” To this question, they answer, “We can.” But Jesus' question isn't about their readiness to be rulers. His question is about their willingness to be victims. Can you submit in obedience to the Father? Can you suffer being scourged, shamed, and put to death? Can you do all this in sacrificial love? Are you ready to surrender everything you have and everything you are for the good of another?
Jesus, knowing that they don't understand his question, answers, “My chalice you will indeed drink...” And they do. But when they do, they become martyrs for the kingdom not princes of the kingdom. To lead in the Church is to serve. Not rule. The world sees leadership in terms of policy, procedure, and process. The King of the Father's Kingdom wants to know, “Will you serve? Will you serve sacrificially?” If so, then his chalice you will indeed drink.