I’m fairly sure that at some point I used the expression “the writing on the wall” to refer to my vocation to the religious priesthood - especially once I realized that I had to take the next step and apply. Read more...
As a priest, there is still time to read. There are plenty of us that will pursue doctoral studies, but the notion of lifelong study isn’t simply getting an advanced degree. It is study for the sake of preaching for the salvation of souls.
The new chapel at Tulane Catholic will allow students to encounter Christ in his divine majesty, uncovered by the beauty of the new worship space which is about the same size as the former chapel. Read more...
Being in the Chapel in Adoration, especially at the end of the day, was like a nudge from Christ telling me not to worry or stress or agonize about all the things that day. Read more...
Br. Greg Dunn, OP spent the Summer of 2018 working with the Missionaries of Charity in Kenya. Every Tuesday for eleven weeks, Br. Greg will offer a reflection on his summer abroad. Read more...
What motivates us? Pursuing the truth, the person of Christ, and not just pursuing, but wanting to know him and grow in friendship with him, eventually, being face to face with God in heaven. We know the end. So what is stopping us? Read more...
Br. Greg Dunn, OP spent the Summer of 2018 working with the Missionaries of Charity in Kenya. Every Tuesday for eleven weeks, Br. Greg will offer a reflection on his summer abroad. Read more...