During the Christmas season, we frequently encounter the word “Peace.” Tonight, we leave the past behind and look toward a new beginning; one of the constant hopes of the human heart is a new year of peace. Read more...
According to Jewish law, the first-born male children are to be dedicated to God and called holy. Dedication would include a sacrifice of two pigeons or two turtle doves or whatever else required by the Jewish law over such things. Read more...
“For today in the city of David a Savior has been born for you who is Christ the Lord.” The divine became human and entered our world in the form of a helpless baby, to bring us back to God. Read more...
Churches of stone, wood, tin, bamboo, stucco, or brick are not needed by the Holy Trinity; rather, it is we who need them to help us gather together. Read more...
We might think that John the Baptist had it easy, he could literally point others to Jesus. And it can be argued that John the Baptist wasn’t trying to get other people to evangelize, but trying to get others to go to Jesus themselves, to follow Jesus. Read more...
As we set up our crèches, and make our last-minute Christmas preparations, St. Joseph invites us to be open to an unexpected “grace of apostleship” that will enable us to receive an unlikely person into the home of our heart “for the sake of his name, among all the Gentiles.” Read more...
Did you ever wonder why there is a visible joy in the faces of very young persons when they receive communion? Or why an aged priest who has physical limitations suddenly appears more youthful and exuberant while celebrating the Liturgy of the Eucharist? Read more...
When we prepare our hearts (the gate) to be opened by the Key (Jesus) we allow the King to enter and dwell with us (Emmanuel) and we are no longer in darkness, but dwell in The Light and like Mary become handmaids of the Lord. Read more...
If you live in the north perhaps nature speaks to you of barrenness, the leaves have left the trees, the ground is hard, the colors are grey and there is a desolate feeling in the atmosphere. Read more...
It is clear that Jesus belongs by law to the house of David, but he comes from elsewhere, from God Himself. In Mary, something new is taking place, human existence starts afresh and is pointed towards freedom, towards salvation. Read more...
Whether or not you feel hopeful, you can choose to be hopeful, by choosing to act like a hopeful person. You can choose to stretch forth toward the good thing you desire, even though you know it’s a tough go. Read more...
The remaining time of Advent can be a time to share Christ’s love with someone who has forgotten or become deaf to it, so that through our small acts of prophetic mercy “all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” Read more...