A plenary indulgence will be granted to the properly disposed faithful who will participate in the Eucharistic celebrations organized by the Dominicans on the occasions of the jubilee of the canonization and death of St. Thomas Aquinas, and on the faithful who will make pilgrimages to Churches, shrines, and oratories under his patronage.
Br. Sam Wharton, OP preaches on the second reading from the prophet Isaiah for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Br. Sam reminds us that while the Christian faith can seem just full of restrictive rules, those rules are not meant to hurt us, but to help us. Click to view...
Christ's baptism in the Jordan by John's hand is the baptism of the world. Every creature, every made thing is washed clean, made holy, and brought into a new creation. God's human creatures are given the freedom to follow Christ's example in baptism, or to continue as natural creatures until death.
The Blessed Virgin Mary was a woman of a few words. In the gospel, she intervened on behalf of the married couple when they needed assistance. She simply said to Jesus “They have no wine”.
I grew up celebrating on this day the Mexican tradition of El Día de los Reyes Magos (The Day of the Wise Men). Whether at school or at home, we would cut a Rosca de Reyes (which is a cake like a Mardi Gras King cake), hoping not to get a toy of the baby Jesus in our slice, otherwise, whoever gets it will need to bring the tamales on February 2nd!
John the Baptist was the teacher of his disciples and when he saw Jesus, he directed them away from himself, so they could meet Jesus. He points out the 'Lamb of God,' a name for Jesus that John uses to say that Jesus is the One they are ultimately looking for.
Parents know that a new born baby brings with him an indescribable sense of joy, peace and awe. New born babies have the magic of somehow connecting us with life, beauty, and wonder. Still, parents do not know what the future journey of their baby will be like.
“O God, whose Spirit in the first moments of the world’s creation hovered over the waters, so that the very substance of water would even then take to itself the power to sanctify.”