It is with great joy and excitement that we welcome you to the new OP South News newsletter. As followers and preachers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be His hands and feet in the world, sharing His love and message of salvation to all.
Let us rejoice and be glad in the Praise of God this Holy Easter. Through the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have been made new in the waters of Baptism and become co-heirs to life-eternal.
He saw and believed are the words that we have of the other disciple in today’s Gospel reading, that shed light in this moment when he believed everything that he had heard about the Messiah.
Vio y creyó, son las palabras que tenemos sobre el otro discípulo en el evangelio de hoy, que nos iluminan sobre el momento cuando él creyó todo lo que había escuchado sobre el Mesías.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have faith that creation itself is ordered by mercy; its galaxies, our planet, and the wonder of every living creature, great and small, fall under the sway of the Creator’s providential care. And while this gives us hope, we also know that even though we humans are the “crown of creation,” we are susceptible to sin, in its many forms.
The past, the present, and the future are wrapped up in this feast of the first Eucharist and in all celebrations of the Eucharist since then. Moses, Paul, and the Lord are inviting us to be present. We RSVP with our lives.
I sometimes wonder if one reason we take on penances during Lent is not to say at the end of the season, “I did it, good for me,” but so that we fail at them and have to admit that we are not as good at keeping our promises as we think.
When the fragrance of a pure heart permeates an environment, a person can either be inspired to do likewise, or be threatened by one’s selfish ambitions.
We cannot receive the gifts of God when we are full of ourselves. But we can fill ourselves with God’s love and grace when we empty ourselves of that which is unnecessary, even harmful.
Our bodies, our relationships, our entire milieu of relationships with the created world is our “land,” given to us by God. We need not look very far to see that turning away from God brings tragic consequences in our lives.