When we meditate on even the lives of the saints, we recognize how Christ lived through them, and how His earthly life can sometimes be uncannily similar to those of the saints.
His life, marked by humility, service, and profound spiritual experiences, continues to inspire those who seek to live out the radical vocation of a Cooperator Brother in the Order of Preachers.
One in eight known pregnancies end in miscarriage, one in eight married couples experience infertility, and one in five households are raising children that have special health needs. In starting a conversation about some of the challenges involved in women’s health and being unabashedly Catholic, our goal is to learn how to listen, support, and aid our sisters so that we might begin to create that culture of life that we are called to build.
Jesus heals the man's deafness and his speech impediment and then orders him to be silent. In fact, he orders everyone who witnesses the healing to be silent about what they saw.
In the last several years we have seen a resurgence of vocations and our most pressing need is to update the novitiate chapel to accommodate the growing number of friars. Last year, we were able to renovate the chapel floors and give the walls a facelift. This year, we want to complete the chapel renovation with choir stalls.