May the Son of Justice whose birth we celebrate tonight, Christmas Eve show us mercy and may His kindness lighten our hearts, just as the sun illumines the earth.
Dear Lord…For the first time in my life everything is absolutely perfect the way it is. So here’s the deal: you freeze everything as it is and I won’t ask for anything more.
We look forward to what’s ahead: the remembrance of His birth and His dwelling among us. To welcome Him into our life even more, it is helpful to take this final week to make a thorough examination of conscience and ask the Lord to help us notice His presence with us through it all.
As Advent gives way to the fulfillment of all desire, let us perseveringly seek Jesus, knowing that his presence is within us and around us, waiting to be known, loved, and made known.
Whether through prayer or works of charity, both of which are integral to Christian discipleship, we should direct our hearts to the hearts of both John the Baptist and Jesus.
The celebration of this feast is a reminder of the Blessed Mother's maternal care as well as a reminder of what her Son's teachings challenge us to do for others, especially the poor and oppressed of the Americas.
If you’re like me, you’d think it is foolish to endanger such a large part of your livelihood for something so trivial. What are we missing? How can God, as the good shepherd, be so foolish?
From great love, God has lifted us to be in the company of Mary. This is not a boast on our part, it is the mysterious worthiness in which God see us. Our response is one of humbleness that God should care for us in such a way.
Joyful anticipation and hope are in the air! In the Gospel passage, Luke highlights human history, for God will be born in a particular place and time.
As his coworkers, when we share in his teaching and healing ministry, we share in the very heart of Jesus, the very heart of God, for our hearts like his are moved with compassion at the suffering we see, and we are filled with gratitude at the mercy we receive.
We usually spend a lot of time and energy preparing for Christmas Day: buying decorations and gifts, making plans to travel or host others — or both, and tracking down an item or ingredient to make something perfect. How much time do we spend preparing our souls for Christmas Day?