Whenever we receive complaints about abuse of children and young people, these are reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency, regardless of their apparent credibility or the time since the reported abuse occurred, including anonymous complaints and complaints against friars who are deceased.
We encourage anyone who is aware of sexual abuse by a priest or religious to report it to their local law enforcement agency.
Reporting to Law Enforcement
In cases where the victim is currently a minor or a child is currently in danger, make a direct report to a law enforcement agency.
If there is immediate danger to a child, call 911 and follow whatever steps law enforcement agents advise to protect the child.
If the danger is less immediate, contact the local police department or state child welfare hotline.
In cases where the victim is no longer a minor, or the abuse occurred in the distant past, contact the local police department about making a report.
Reporting to the Dominican Friars
Under the guidelines proposed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, and Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, (NCCB, November 1993), and policies of this religious institute, we insure that each friar is up to date with our program for Affirming and Protecting Children and Young People, conducted by Praesidium Religious Service, which is in accord with the Essential Norms of Diocesan / Eparchial Policies Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Deacons (USCCB 2006).
The Southern Dominican Province, USA, and its member priests and brothers are committed to protecting children and young adults from sexual abuse. Any allegation should be immediately brought to the attention of the Socius and Vicar Provincial.
Very Reverend Emiliano Zapata, O.P.
Socius and Vicar Provincial
Southern Dominican Province, USA
P.O. Box 8129
New Orleans, LA 70182